Tuesday, 23 August 2011

What I Look For When Buying Sheets

With the new queen size bed comes the need for new queen sized sheets. I've been playing house for a while, so I have a better idea of what I'm looking for in the under the covers department.


Boring I know. When I'm in the store, my eye always flashes to the exciting patterned sheets. But, I'd like something simple so if one component gets ripped/stained/otherwise rendered unacceptable I can replace it with little stress. If I repaint the room or change the bedspread I'd like the sheets to not stick out like a sore thumb.


I'd like a natural fiber material for the breath-ability. Linen would be nice too, but too pricey for this frugal lady. In the winter, we have enjoyed some cheap fleece sheets, but I think a warmer duvet will help out here for snuggles.

Low Maintenance:

I can iron. I have ironed. At this point, I don't iron. Maybe if guests are coming and I'm channeling the perfect housewife I might iron the sheets. For everyday use? I've got better things to waste my time. This eliminates most of the simply crisp hotel type sheets and places me more in the jersey category. I've tried "easy care" sheets in the past and they worked fine when put straight from the dryer onto the bed. I like to rotate sheets though: take off and put in wash and put other set on bed. In this case, they're usually wrinklier and look on the hot mess side. We've lived with it and they can be ironed if I actually want them to look nice, so I won't write them off completely.

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