Friday, 2 September 2011

My First Brag! Loblaws Cottonelle, Old Spice and Zest at 85% off!

Today I'm going to post my first picture, my first brag, and my first Loblaws praise.

For weeks I've been trying to snag the Cottonelle deal at Shoppers at $4.99.  I've got rain checks and visited stores for about 3 weeks now.  Each time, there was no stock.  I walked into the Loblaws today and there was a wall of Cottonelle!  Each of the three "ultra" types were out on display.  I saw similar displays throughout the store.  Finally!

I decided to check out at the self check out lanes.  All 6 were up and running, so if there was a problem, they could go to another lane.  I've heard if you use coupons over $10 that they have to involve customer service and it can get dicey. 

I approached the man on duty and informed him I had more than $10 in coupons.  He looked a little confused at my confession and just told me to bring him my coupons.  So I scanned my items and entered my coupon amounts.  The computer slowed down a bit after my first few, so I suspect the guy on duty was approving them when they popped up on his screen or something of the sort.  When I was finished, I brought my coupons over to the guy and he got to work matching them up.  I went back to my station, packed away my coupon folder and my transaction was ready for payment.  So smooth!

If I had more coupons I may choose to use a regular lane because he has 5 other lanes to take care of, but for this size transaction I would do everything the same.

Anyways, here's what I bought:

  1. 4x Old Spice 92g Sticks (I had only been able to buy the smaller size when they were on sale at the Rexall). 
    • Regular $3.49 (flyer says save at least $1.50, so I'll take the low estimate here)
    • Sale price of $1.99
    • $3 WUB 2 coupon
    • $0.49 each!
    • Savings of 86%
  2. 1x 532ml bottle of Zest body wash
    • Reg. $4.99 (flyer says save at least $2, so I'll take the low estimate here)
    • Sale price of $2.99
    • $2 off coupon
    • $0.99 each
    • Savings of 80%
  3. 2x Cottonelle Clean Care 12 pack double roll
    • Reg. $12.99
    • Sale price of $3.99
    • $3 off coupon
    • $0.99 each
    • Savings of 92%
Total regular cost of the items plus taxes: $50.77
Total out of pocket for the trip: $7.45
Total savings: 85%

That savings looks awesome!  It's a bit deceiving for me because I would never pay $13 for a pack of toilet paper that size, or full price for deodorant or body wash, even if I wasn't couponing.  But if someone never watched the sales and just bought things when they needed them, they would be paying the full price for these items.

Well done me!  Brag!

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